19 Ice Cream Recipes to Cool Down This Summer
19 Homemade Ice Cream recipes from 19 food bloggers
Slow cooking is back. Dust off your slow cookers. Get a copy of the Best of Bridge‘s The Family Slow Cooker and have endless fun trying new recipes. A cookbook publicist sent me a copy of this cookbook to review. The book is available to buy on Amazon or Chapters Indigo. This is a book …
Best Of Bridge The Family Slow Cooker Book Review Read More »
Culinary Comics This is a late celebration, but Cynful Kitchen (formerly Cynful Journey) has reached 6 years old in August. When I am not developing or testing recipes, I like to draw cartoons and comics. If you like my comics, please feel free to share them on social media. They present down right honest little …
Cookbook Review: Duchess Bake Shop by Giselle Courteau On May-14-2016, there was a small group of us who tried four recipes for The Salty Almond‘s first Duchess Bake Shop Cookbook Party. Key Lime Tart (page 200 – 201), French loaf with chopped pitted olives (page 93 – 95), Raspberry White Chocolate Scones (page 115 – …
Lunar New Year is filled with many traditions, as well as superstitions. On Lunar New Year’s Eve, it is customary for families to get together for a reunion dinner; in my culture, it is also a tradition to bathe in water steeped with pomelo leaves. In Asia, many shops are closed for the first 3 …
Happy Friday! I’m going to start a new Cynful Kitchen humo(u)r series for each last Friday of the month. If you had a list of Must-Haves in your kitchen, what would yours be? I would love to read your Kitchen dream-list! For me, this is my ultimate kitchen dream! A self-cleaning kitchen. I even created …
After seeing memes of Gordon Ramsay going bonkers over someone using the cookie sheet to cook a pizza in Hell’s Kitchen, I’d figure I’d join in the fun a bit. There are some kitchen basics you ought to know: do not use sharp objects on non-stick surfaces. Hell’s got no more fury than a baker’s pans …
So long, Grandpa Admiral. The heating elements are beyond shot. (I have been using the back burner for everything since last summer) Hello new range! Fan convection oven and it has a steam clean function.
Ah, for the next 40 days and 40 nights, I am faced with a challenge while giving up meat for Lent: planning meatless meals (with the exception of fish/seafood). Why?? There are a few reasons:– I gained 14 pounds since I last weighed myself (Blame stress, lack of sleep, and lack of physical exercise), but …