
– Chicken
– Turkey

Braised Chicken with Kaya and Pesto

You did what?! Kaya in chicken?! Mixing Kaya (sweet coconut jam) and pesto? Yes, this is my fusion take of Chicken Teriyaki: West meets my mom’s braised cooking style — using available ingredients on hand in my fridge. When my mother braises, she uses dark soy sauce, garlic and 5-spice. Sometimes, she adds vinegar. I missed my mother’s cooking, …

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Dinner with Cyn

Bruneian/Malaysian comfort foods, featuring: Fish Curry

As I did promise, I would cook a fish curry — known as “Kari Ikan” in Malay. Now, fish can be prepared in different ways: butter and herbs (grilled or baked), in the style of “Fish and Chips”, steamed with ginger, sweet and sour, and curry. Fish is often very well served in Brunei. You …

Bruneian/Malaysian comfort foods, featuring: Fish Curry Read More »