Dip Diva’s Zucchini Fritters

Dip Diva’s Zucchini Fritters (Pitichelle)

Dip Divas Zucchini Fritters

Dip Diva’s Zucchini Fritters family recipe was such an easy hit with our family and friends. Our kitchen got really messy with the grease but it was worth it. Two infants were a huge fan. My son loved how easy it is to hold and feed himself. It was a lot of fun making Dip Diva’s recipe for #RecipeNod challenge. Each month, participating Food Bloggers of Canada (FBC) members get assigned to try a fellow blogger’s recipe. I was looking at my pantry while deciding what to make.

I followed Selena’s recipe as closely as I could — the only adaptation I made was to use 1 tsp of dried basil since my local grocery store was out of fresh basil. My most favourite part of making this recipe was chopping the fresh parsley as fine as possible.


Here is the ingredient list I used; for the full Zucchini Fritters “Pitichelle” recipe, go to DipDiva.ca!
3 small zucchini
2 cups of flour
1 egg
2 cups of water
2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp dried basil
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1/2 cup vegetable oil

Here’s how my batter looked:
Dip Diva's Zucchini Fritters Batter

Oh, and the fun greasy aromatic mess:
Dip Diva's Fried Zucchini Fritters

You can watch my very first (public) YouTube video here:

Now, you could give it a whirl! This makes a great side dish.

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